SEAT VENTILATION SA With over 45 years of experience in the field of laboratory fume extraction systems, SEAT Ventilation SA has become one of the few leading manufacturers of corrosion-resistant polypropylene fans in the world.
SEAT Ventilation SA
Parc Technologique
Delta Sud
09340 Verniolle
Tél.: +33 (0)5 61 69 84 43
Fax: +33 (0)5 61 67 86 03
Website: http://www.seat-ventilation.com
TOF S.r.l. Dispensing equipment accessories (dispense taps high pressure hoses, pressure regulators, dispense heads, dispense towers, brand holder, drip trays, fittings), drinks dispenser components, laboratory taps & faucet fitting, emergency showers (eye-washers, body showers, platform operated, portable eye-washers, wall mounted eye-washers), fluid control.
TOF S.r.l.
Via dell’Erica 16-18
28017 San Maurizio D’Opaglio (Novara)
Tel.: +39 0322 915919 / 915937
Fax: +39 0322 915904
Website: http://www.tofin.com
CHEMISAFE “CHEMISAFE”, brand of ASEM s.r.l., is specialized in the planning and manufacturing of safety cabinets for the storage of hazarodus substances such as flammable products, chemicals, acids, bases, pesticides and phytopharmaceuticals, as well as safety cabinets for the storage of drums or gas cylinders.
Via Peschiere 53/A
31032 Conscio di Casale sul Sile (TV)
Tel.: +39 0422 785539
Fax: +39 0422 827739
Website: http://www.chemisafe.it
ECOSAFE SA We can rely on more than 30 years of experience in developing, manufacturing and designing safety cabinets. We have gained a leading position on various other European and worldwide markets. [Safety cabinets, exhausting systems, safety cans, emergency showers and eye-washes, anti-fire equipments (anti-fire blankets, safety dustbins, safety ashtrays), safety shelvings]
Chemin des Champs-Courbes 15
Zone Industrielle de Vallaire Est
CH-1024 Ecublens
Tel.: +41(0)21/694 10 02
Fax: +41(0)21/694 10 00
Website: http://www.ecosafesa.com
BRESCIANI S.r.l La Bresciani s.r.l. operates, since 1988, in the field of the research, realization and supply of materials and equipments for the Restoration and the Conservation of the Cultural Heritage.
The Bresciani s.r.l. is also leader, thanks to its decennial experience, in the planning and realization of Laboratories and Equipment for Analysis and Restoration.
Via Breda 142
20126 Milan
Tel.: +39 02 27002121
Fax: +39 02 2576184
Website: http://www.brescianisrl.it
EQUIP LABO Principal fabricant français de mobilier de laboratoire pour l'industrie, EQUIP LABO est spécialisée, depuis plus de 40 ans, dans les projets d'aménagement et d'agencement de laboratoires, et en particulier dans les installations sur mesure à forte valeur ajoutée technique.
Notre expertise et notre capacité d'écoute et de compréhension des besoins spécifiques de nos clients nous permettent de leur proposer des solutions globales sur mesure.
Boîte postale 149
37401 Amboise cedex
Tél.: +33 2 47 23 42 00
Fax: +33 2 47 23 42 09
Website: http://www.equiplabo.com
KERAPLAN In 1971 KERAMOS is born. It is a small-size factory that makes acid-proof ceramic tiles and accessories for laboratory benches. During 15 years KERAMOS experiments, researches and develops special ceramic mixtures for manufacturing large-sized slabs. The only company in Italy to make this type of materials, KERAMOS is one of the first manufacturers in the world to adopt the monofiring technique at high temperatures, over 1240°C.
In 1982 KERAMOS becomes KERAPLAN, that starts, for the first time in Italy, the production of large monolithic slabs made of acid-proof ceramics.
During the last twenty-five years the company has completely changed its original structure, automatising most manufacturing and machining processes, in compliance with the highest quality standards.
Via Scaldasole 26
27020 Dorno (PV)
Tel.: +39 0382 84019
Fax: +39 0382 848493
Website: http://www.keraplan.com
ASEM ASEM® is a registered brand of ASEM s.r.l., a world leader in the study, design and manufacture of chemical fume hoods and aspiration systems for the laboratory.
ASEM s.r.l.
Via Peshiere 53/A
31032 Conscio di Casale sur Sile (TV)
Tel.: +39 0422 785 536
Fax: +39 0422 827 135
Website: http://www.atcasem.it
ANALOX Ltd Analox Sensor Technology was founded in 1981 in North Yorkshire, England. They are a world leader in providing gas detection products to a wide range of industries including laboratories, medical and commercial diving. Analox Sensor Technology supply fixed and portable gas monitors as well as OEM gas sensors and bespoke manufacturing solutions.
ANALOX Ltd is one of those rare companies that have built up a successful innovative business from carefully focused research, and it is in the application of this research that Analox excels.
The company prides itself in its ability to work closely with its customers to design and manufacture products to fit their requirements as closely as possible. Analox Ltd is now recognised as a world leader in the design and manufacture of gas sensors and analysers and an acknowledged authority on the monitoring of gases in all branches of the diving industry, from sport to military applications.
15 Ellerbeck Court
Stokesley Business Park
North Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0)1642 711400
Fax: +44 (0)1642 713900
Website: http://www.analoxsensortechnology.com
iQservices s.r.o. iQservices Ltd. is an authorized dealer of scanners Faro in Slovakia and Czech Republic and offers consultancy and service in the field of terrestrial laser scanning and processing of point clouds into 2D drawings respectively 3D CAD models of objects to its customers. It is focused on documentation of buildings, industrial buildings, steel structures, pipe bridges, production facilities in different formats (DWG, DGN, step, obj, SKP, SDNF, jt, RVT and many more). The part of pipe bridges documentation presents isometric piping drawings and 3D models of steel structures in the format SDNF which is further possible to use in the specialized tools for projecting respectively static calculations. The part of our portfolio is the analysis creation of projected and existing state or place of object and also measurement of the deviations caused by wear.
We use programs from companies Bentley, Autodesk, Geomagic, Adobe, Faro and PointCAB for data processing
In the field of hardware we are selling FARO scanners and accessories necessary for laser scanning.
Our long-term experience in the field dating back to 2002 presents our quality guarantee. Since this year we are interested in this issue.
iQservices, s.r.o.
A. Rudnaya 21
010 01 Žilina
Tel.: +421 (0)902 / 561 398
Tel.: +421 (0)902 / 561 398
Website: http://www.iqservices.eu
PRESERVATION EQUIPMENT Ltd Preservation Equipment are a UK based company providing access to quality materials and equipment for professionals working in the field of conservation and preservation of archives and works of art. For cleaning and restoring, to displaying and archiving, Preservation Equipment has some of the largest stock levels in Europe. Thousands of products are now available to buy online at http://www.preservationequipment.com
Vinces Road, Diss
Norfolk. IP22 4HQ
Tel.: +44 (0)1379 647400
Fax: +44 (0) 1379 650582
Website: http://www.preservationequipment.com
Twitter: @preservation_e
RESTAURO-TECHNIKA Since 1990 we specialize in the production of devices for the conservation of fine-arts. We guarantee modern, unfailing, safety in use and aesthetic articles. Products with our mark are used in several hundred restoration laboratories.
1. Cold and heated tables for lining, lightened tables 2. Devices for complement with paper pulp 3. Heated spatulas, crucibles 4. Lighting sources for restoration and fine-art laboratories 5. Other equipment and materials for conservation and restoration service
ul. Sw. Jozefa 65
87-100 Torun
Tel.: +048 56 6740389
Fax: +048 56 6511923
Website: http://www.restauro.com.pl
EDMUND OPTICS Edmund Optics Inc. (EO) has been a leading supplier of optics and optical components to industry since 1942, designing and manufacturing a wide array of multi-element lenses, lens coatings, imaging systems, and Opto-Mechanical equipment. Led by a staff of skilled optical engineers and scientists, EO is application focused and pursues new ways to implement optical technology, enabling advancements in semiconductor manufacturing, industrial metrology, and medical instrumentation. Our precision products improve efficiencies & yields and are used in test & measurement quality assurance applications, the automation of manufacturing processes, and research.
Tel.: 1-800-363-1992
Fax: 1-856-573-6295
E-mail: Click here to send E-mail
Website: http://www.edmundoptics.com/
TEMPCON INSTRUMENTATION Ltd Tempcon Instrumentation Ltd was established in 1980 and we specialise in Instrumentation and sensors (probes) for Measuring, Controlling and Logging: temperature, humidity, pressure, voltage, current, energy (kWhs), wind speed/direction, soil temperature and most other parameters required for: process control, environmental research or quality control.
We offer a huge range of Data Loggers, Energy Loggers, Weather Stations, Thermocouples, RTD, PT100 Probes, Chart Recorders, Digital Thermometers, Process Controllers, Signal Conditioners, Panel Indicators and Thermistor Probes for use in environmental monitoring, manufacturing, food processing, logistics, and University research projects.
We manufacture: Thermocouple, Thermistor, and Platinum Resistance RTD, PT100, PT1000, temperature sensors and probes in any quantity.
We provide repair and calibration services using equipment calibrated and traceable to UKAS.
Ford Lane Business Park, Ford Lane, Ford
Nr. Arundel, West Sussex
BN18 0UZ
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0)1243 558270
Fax: +44 (0)1243 558288
Website: http://www.tempcon.co.uk